Sailboat Rental = Club Members Only

FREE to club members only

BCSA has a fleet of dingy boats ranging from Sunfish, Lasers, Hobbie Cats and Open Skiffs.  We also maintain a few kayaks.  These boats do not require a “CHECK-OUT” procedure.

CATALINA 22 ($55 for the day)

The club also maintains 3 Catalina 22s which are available to rent for the day.   Here are the requirements to reserve and rent the boats.

  1.  You must show some form of sailing credentials.  Here are some examples of acceptable forms of credentials
    1.  ASA Learn to Sail
    2.  US Sailing Learn to Sail
    3.   Have completed BCSAs Learn to Sail Class
    4.   Certification by Capt Susan Wilson (BCSA’s Education Chair)
  2.  You must sign a waiver of liability.
  3.   You must schedule your rental.

Contact Susan Wilson via email if you are interested in reserving a Catalina for the day or becoming certified  at [email protected].