Great River Race 2024 SI

2024 Great River Race

Sailing Instructions

Brown’s Creek Sailing Association
Lake Guntersville, AL

October 25–27, 2024


Participation in the Great River Race is voluntary. The decision to start, continue, or withdraw from the event is solely the participant’s responsibility.

  1. Schedule of Events
  • Friday, October 25 (BCSA Clubhouse)
    • 12:00 PM – Registration & Check-In
    • 6:00 PM – Social and Dinner
    • 7:00 PM – Skippers Meeting
    • 8:00 PM – Registration Closes
  • Saturday, October 26 (Lake Guntersville)
    • 8:55 AM – Warning Signal (All Classes)
    • 6:00 PM – Short Course Time Limit
  • Sunday, October 27
    • 9:00 AM – Long Course Time Limit
    • 11:00 AM – Awards (BCSA Clubhouse)

1.1 Entries

Eligible yachts can register by completing the registration form and paying the entry fee. Registration must be completed by 8:00 AM on Saturday, October 26.

2. Rules

2.1 The regatta will be governed by:

  1. a) The current Racing Rules of Sailing.
  2. b) Prescriptions of the US Sailing Association.
  3. c) Navigation Rules for International/Inland Waterways.
  4. d) The Notice of Race.
  5. e) These Sailing Instructions.

2.2 In case of a conflict between the Notice of Race and these Sailing Instructions, the Sailing Instructions will take precedence.

2.3 Yachts must have unique identification by sail number or other visible means.

2.4 Dinghies are permitted to enter the Short Course only.

2.5 Yachts on the long course must carry an auxiliary motor, anchor, anchor rode, marine radio, one crew member and working navigation lights as required by law. Outboard motors should be ready for operation but may be tilted if necessary.

2.6 All yachts are recommended to have signaling lights and required Coast Guard safety equipment. Wearing life vests is encouraged for all participants, and each yacht should have a man-overboard procedure in place.

2.7 Yachts leaving the race must notify the Race Committee via marine radio, cell phone (number provided during the skippers meeting), or by hailing the race committee stationed near the finish line.


3. Handicapping/Scoring

3.1 The latest Portsmouth Yardstick will be used to determine handicaps. If no handicap is listed, the Race Committee will assign one.

3.2 Corrected times will be calculated by dividing the elapsed time (in decimal minutes) by the handicap “BASE DP-N” and then multiplying by 100:

Corrected Time = (Elapsed Time ÷ BASE DP-N) × 100.

Boats will be scored in order of corrected time, with the smallest corrected time placing first, followed by the next smallest, and so on.


4. Notices to Competitors

Notices will be posted on the official GRR website:


5. Changes to Sailing Instructions

Any changes will be posted by 10:00 PM, Friday, October 25.


6. Signals Ashore

No signals will be made ashore. All signals will be displayed by the race committee on station before and during the race.


7. Racing Area

The racing area is between the start/finish area, marked by a yellow cylinder approximately 1 mile west-southwest of Lower Guntersville Light (mile marker 356.5), and Seibold Branch Light (mile marker 363.4).

*Note: Lower Guntersville Light, Upper Guntersville Light, and Short Creek Light are not course marks.


8. Race Course

8.1 Starting Area

A starting line will be set about 0.75 miles west of Lower Guntersville Light. The line will be between a staff with an orange flag on the race committee boat (starboard) and a yellow cylinder (port).


8.2 Starting Sequence

The race will follow Rule 26 of the Racing Rules of Sailing. All classes will start simultaneously. The warning signal will be at 8:55 AM, with no signals before this time. The answering pennant will be removed (with one sound) one minute before the warning signal.


8.3 Course Instructions

Short Course and First Lap of Long Course: Boats will start, pass through Guntersville Bridge using the center or the openings on either side of the main span only, round Seibold Branch Light (port), and return to the start area. Short course boats finish here, while long course boats continue.

Long Course (Laps 2-4) After completing the first lap, long course boats will complete three more laps, rounding the yellow cylinder and Seibold Branch Light (port) at each lap.

8.4 Yachts must hail the Race Committee with their sail number at the end of each lap (via radio, voice, or cell phone). Failure to pass between the mark and committee boat will result in disqualification.


9. Shortening Course

9.1 If, by 2:00 AM on Sunday no yacht has completed the long course, the required number of laps for all yachts will be adjusted based on the number of laps completed by the lead yacht at that time. The Race Committee will then display the “shorten course” signal, which is the code flag “S,” along with the number of laps to be completed. All yachts must finish the adjusted number of laps before the time limit of 9:00 AM on Sunday. The Race Committee also reserves the right to shorten the course before 2:00 AM if conditions require it.


10. Protests

10.1 Yachts intending to protest must display a red flag at the earliest opportunity.

10.2 Protests must be made in writing on the form provided at the Official Notice Board.

10.3 Protests must be filed within 30 minutes after the Race Committee boat docks and sounds one horn blast.


11. Support Boats and Radios

The US Coast Guard Auxiliary or Alabama Marine Police may patrol the racecourse during the event. To contact the Race Committee, use Channel 16 and then switch to Channel 68 for further communication. The Race Committee can also be reached by cell phone (numbers provided during the skippers meeting) or by hailing the committee stationed near the finish line.


12. Use of Auxiliary Power

Auxiliary power may be used in situations of safety or emergency, such as avoiding a towboat or recovering from grounding. No penalty will be given, provided the yacht resumes racing from a position that does not advance its standing or provide any advantage. Yachts that use auxiliary power must submit a written report to the Race Committee detailing the circumstances, including the purpose, time, location, and duration of use.


13. Towboats

Towboats will pass through the racecourse during the event. Give them wide clearance as they have limited maneuverability. Follow Rule 9(b) of the Navigation Rules, which prohibits vessels under 20 meters from impeding the passage of vessels constrained to the channel.