Mayor’s Cup Regatta Sailing Instructions

Browns Creek Sailing Association

Lake Guntersville Sailing Club


May 18,2024


1.         RULES

1.1       The Regatta will be governed by the current Racing Rules of Sailing and by these Sailing Instructions.

2.         SAFETY

2.1       The hosting organizations are not responsible for the seaworthiness of a boat whose entry is accepted. Attention is drawn to Part 1, Fundamental Rule 3.  All competitors, by entering this regatta, acknowledging acceptance of responsibility for their own safety.

3.         ENTRIES

3.1       All sailboats are invited to enter. There is a separate YOUTH Class using their dedicated boats. 

4.         MEASUREMENT

4.1       Sail or boat measurement is not required. Sail choice is indicated at Registration (Spinnaker, jib choice, etc. for handicapping purposes.).


5.1       Notices to Competitors are on-line.


6.1       Changes to the Sailing Instructions or any changes to the racing schedule will be posted on-line.  Notices may also be given from the RC boat with the “L” flag flown with one horn.

7.         SIGNALS MADE ASHORE      

.7.1      No signals will be made ashore.



8.1       Day                  Date                 Time               Activity

Friday             May 17                1900                Competitor’s Meeting


Saturday         May 18                  1000               First Warning Signal, followed by 2 subsequent races.

Saturday         May 18    After above ended        First Warning Signal for the YOUTH class           followed by subsequent races.

No races will start after 1600 hours.                     


8.2       Competitors are responsible for getting to the starting area on time. If suitable conditions exist for starting a race, the Race Committee (RC) may not wait for latecomers.

9.         RACING AREA

9.1       Racing will take place in front of City Harbor. Attempt will be made to set the course for good viewing from shore.

10.       COURSES       

10.1.1   The course shall be a simple triangle. The RC Signal boat will be set about 1/3 up from the leeward mark. If conditions permit, two laps may be signalled by posting the number “2”. The first leg shall be to windward, followed by a reach to port, a reach to the leeward mark and then upwind to the finish. If two laps are indicated, keep going upwind, reach, reach, finish.

10.1.2   YOUTH class course will be Start, windward, leeward, finish.




11.       CHECK IN

11.1      All boats shall check in with the Race Committee before the first preparatory signal. Failure to do so may result in a scowl from the Race Committee. Boats should pass astern of the Committee Vessel on either tack, so that their sail number can be recorded.

12.       MARKS

12.1      Marks will be orange cylinders or triangles. The start/finish pin will be floating flag.

13.       STARTS

13.1      Starts will be the usual Racing Rule 26 starts, five-minute sequence. There will be a multiple horn notification one minute before the first start sequence. Dinghies start first, Black Scull & Cross bones; Keelboat spinnaker, White flag; Non spinnaker Keelboat, Brown flag.

            YOUTH class, after other fleets done racing, Pirate flag, of course.


14.1      It is not expected that there will be any changes of course after the start. Before a start, yes.

14.3      Courses may be shortened by shortening the length of a leg or number of legs of a course.

15.       THE FINISH

15.1     The finish shall be between the anchored RC boat’s Blue flag and the course side of a floating flag set on its port side (same mark as the start mark but possibly a shorter line.)

16.       TIME LIMIT

16.1      The time limit will be 1 hour for the first boat. Any boat that finishes within 30 minutes of the first boat shall be scored.  All others shall be scored TLE. This modifies RRS 35. The Race Committee, in their sole discretion, may award places to any of the last 3 boats, before they have crossed the finish line.

18.       SCORING

18.1      The Low point scoring system, Appendix A4 of the racing rules will be used. Three races are planned; one race constitutes a Mayor’s Cup. All races count for scoring, no throw-out race.

19.       PROTESTS

19.1      Any yacht that wishes to protest, shall comply with RRS 61. A protesting boat shall inform the finishing vessel of the sail numbers(s) of the boat(s) being protested. This information must be communicated to the finish vessel soon after the finish of that race. The protest must be filed with the Committee, within 1 hour of the docking of the Race Committee Vessel, unless the Race Committee feels that a later time is justified. Protests shall be written upon the forms available from the Race Committee and submitted to the Race Committee. Protests will be heard in the approximate order of their receipt following the day’s racing.

20.       PRIZES

20.1      Prizes will be awarded at Levi’s On The Lake after racing Saturday, approximately 1730 hours.